Acanthogobius hasta (Temminck & Schlegel 1845)
Chinese common name: 矛尾刺虾虎鱼/斑尾刺虾虎鱼
Distribution in China: Liaoning; Hebei; Shandong; Jiangsu; Shanghai; Zhejiang; Fujian; Taiwan; Guangdong; Guangxi.
Distribution abroad: Japan; Korean Peninsula.

Live specimen collected in Dandong, Liaoning, China. SL: 90mm
采自辽宁丹东。SL: 90mm.

Live specimen collected in Zhoushan Archipelago, Zhejiang, China. SL: 140mm
Acanthogobius hastais one of the most common marine and estuarine gobies along China's coast, with a maximum body length of up to 50 cm and a weight exceeding 400 grams. When its body length surpasses 10 cm, its tail develops a noticeable elongation, which is why it is also called "长身鲨"(long-bodied goby) in Taiwan. It has tender and delicious flesh, making it highly popular among coastal communities in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea regions, where its catch is abundant.
Acanthogobius hasta on muddy surface of Zhoushan Archipelago, Zhejiang, China. Photo by XL GUO
It is also notable that they have extremely strong reproductive capabilities, with females capable of laying about 60,000 eggs at a time. It also grows rapidly but has a lifespan of only one year, becoming gradually inactive and dying after reproduction.Therefore, it is an ideal fast-growing fish for consumption.

A giant Acanthogobius hasta in Wenling city's fish market, Zhejiang, China.