Drombus rubropunctatus Chen & Li 2024
Chinese common name: 红点捷虾虎鱼
Distribution in China: Taiwan; Guangdong; Guangxi; Hainan.
Distribution abroad: western Pacific: Japan.

Live specimen collected in Beihai, Guangxi, China. SL: 60 mm.
采集于广西北海。SL: 60 mm.

Live specimen collected in Beihai, Guangxi, China. SL: 50 mm.
采集于广西北海。SL: 50 mm.
This species, traditionally identified as Drombus triangularis, is distinguished from the type population by the blue spots on its dorsal spine and red spots along its body sides. However, its taxonomic status remains unresolved. In mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, it is commonly referred to as Drombus triangularis, while in Taiwan and Japan, it is typically treated as a separate species, often labeled Drombus sp. It was formally described as a new species in 2024.
这种传统上被鉴定为“三角捷虾虎鱼”的物种以其第一背鳍第三鳍棘的蓝黑色斑点以及体侧红色斑点区别于模式产地的三角捷虾虎鱼,而其分类地位尚不明晰。中国大陆以及香港、澳门地区习惯于以“三角捷虾虎鱼”称之,而台湾地区及日本通常将其作为独立的物种,通常称之Drombus sp. 直到2024年,该种作为新种被发表。