Egglestonichthys bombylios Larson & Hoese 1997
Chinese common name: 黄蜂伊氏虾虎鱼
Distribution in China: Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian.
Distribution abroad: Indo-West Pacific: west coast of India east to Philippines, south to Northern Territory (Australia).

Live specimen collected in Xiamen, Fujian, China. SL: 60 mm.
采集于福建厦门。SL: 60 mm.
In 2024, researchers from Shanghai Ocean University, the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, and the Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics & Estuary conducted a summary of trawl surveys carried out from 2013 to 2021 in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. They reported the first record of Egglestonichthys bombylios in China. Due to its low abundance, this species had not been detected in previous surveys. The study documented the distribution of Egglestonichthys bombylios in several locations: the Qidong Yangtze Estuary, the Zhoushan Archipelago, Sanmen Bay, the Jiaojiang Estuary, Niushan Island in Wenling, and Dongshan Bay in Zhangzhou. The website maintainers collected several specimens from the Jiulong River Estuary in Xiamen, which is near Dongshan in Zhangzhou and falls within the species' potential distribution range.
2024年,来自上海海洋大学、东海水产研究所和浙江水利河口研究院的研究者总结了2013年到2021年在东海和台湾海峡的拖网调查结果,报道了黄蜂伊氏虾虎鱼Egglestonichthys bombylios在中国的首次记录。本种数量较少,也因此在之前的调查研究中并未被发现。研究中报道黄蜂伊氏虾虎鱼在启东长江口、舟山群岛、三门湾、椒江口、温岭牛山岛、漳州东山湾的分布记录。网站维护者在厦门九龙江口收集到本物种的若干标本,靠近漳州东山,也在潜在分布范围以内。