Eleotris wuhanlini
Chinese common name: 伍氏塘鳢
Distribution in China: Hainan.
Distribution abroad: Not known yet.

live specimen collected in Wanning, Hainan Island, China. SL: 60 mm.
采集于万宁。SL: 60 mm.

live specimen collected in Wenchang, Hainan Island, China. SL: 100 mm.
采集于文昌。SL: 100 mm.
本种在早期动物志中常被定为刺盖塘鳢(Eleotris acanthopomus),然而与刺盖塘鳢的模式产地(印尼西苏门答腊)相去甚远。伍汉霖等人在1991年的《广东淡水鱼类志》中依据背鳍前鳞和身体斑点的区别,将产自万泉河的刺盖塘鳢发表为新亚种海南刺盖塘鳢(Eleotris acanthopomus hainanensis)。后被Endruweit等2024年提升至种级,但由于海南塘鳢(Eleotris hainanensis)已作为黑体塘鳢的异名被占用,Endruweit等将其指定为Eleotris wuhanlini。
In earlier zoological records, this species was often classified as Eleotris acanthopomus (Spine-cheek Gudgeon). However, its habitat is quite distant from the type locality of Eleotris acanthopomus in West Sumatra, Indonesia. In 1991, Chinese ichthyologist Wu Hanlin described a new subspecies, Eleotris acanthopomus hainanensis (Hainan Spine-cheek Gudgeon), based on differences in pre-dorsal scales and cheek colorations observed in specimens from the Wanquan River in Hainan Island. In 2024, Endruweit et al. elevated this subspecies to species rank, but since the name Eleotris hainanensis was already occupied as a synonym for Eleotris melanosoma, they designated it as Eleotris wuhanlini in the end, in honor of Wu Hanlin.