
Eugnathogobius illotus (Larson 1999)

Chinese common name: 颊纹真颌虾虎鱼

Distribution in China: Guangdong; Guangxi; Hainan.


Distribution abroad: Indo-West Pacific: Singapore east to Philippines.

Eugnathogobius illotus

Live specimen collected in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China. SL: 60 mm.

采集于湛江。SL: 60 mm.

Some researches consider the name by which this species was published, written as Calamiana illota, is valid. But the genus is sometimes considered as a junior synonym of genus Eugnathogobius, for example the Eschmeyer's Catalogue.

关于本种在发表时所用名称Calamiana illota的有效性,一些研究者认为苇栖虾虎鱼属Calamiana始终有效,但这一观点并未被广泛承认。在Eschmeyer's Catalogue等大数据库中本种的有效名仍为Eugnathogobius illotus