Tomiyamichthys ex gr. russus
Chinese common name: 红富山虾虎鱼
Distribution in China: Only known to be found around Beibuwan Gulf.
Distribution abroad: Vietnam.

Live specimen collected in Beihai, Guangxi, China. SL: 110 mm.
采自北海。SL: 110 mm.
直到我完成这个网页的制作时,我依然无法确定这条富山虾虎鱼是哪个物种。这种虾虎鱼目前仅在北部湾沿海(广东湛江,广西防城、北海)被发现,其身体形态和颜色与典型的红富山虾虎鱼(Tomiyamichthys russus)类似,唯一不同的是其第一背鳍第I~IV鳍棘延长,而其他地区记录的红富山虾虎鱼的第一背鳍呈扇状。
Until I finished creating this webpage, I was still unable to confirm the species of this Tomiyamichthys. This goby has so far only been found along the coast of the Beibuwan Gulf (Zhanjiang in Guangdong, and Fangcheng and Beihai in Guangxi). Its body shape and coloration resemble typical Tomiyamichthys russus in other region, with the major difference being that its first dorsal fin spines (I-IV) are elongated, whereas the first dorsal fin of typical Tomiyamichthys russus in other region is fan-shaped.
周边地区对这种第一背鳍第I~IV鳍棘延长的红富山虾虎鱼的记录较少,但并非没有记录,如A. M. Prokofiev (2016) 在Gobies (Gobioidei) of Soft Bottoms from Nha Trang and Van Phong Bays (South China Sea, Vietnam)中也注意到此鱼:
While records of Tomiyamichthys russus with elongated first dorsal fin spines (I-IV) are rare in surrounding areas, they do exist. For example, A. M. Prokofiev (2016) noted this variation in his work Gobies (Gobioidei) of Soft Bottoms from Nha Trang and Van Phong Bays (South China Sea, Vietnam):

在该文中,作者查阅了Koumans (1953)在Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago中的观点,在此著作中Koumans将背鳍棘有延长和没延长的Tomiyamichthys russus都归入本种。由于我暂时没能查阅到此书,故暂时采纳Prokofiev (2016)的观点,将此鱼称作Tomiyamichthys ex gr. russus。
In his study, Prokofiev referenced Koumans (1953) in Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, where Koumans included both elongated and non-elongated dorsal spine variants under the species Tomiyamichthys russus. Since I have not yet had the opportunity to review Koumans’ book, I am provisionally following Prokofiev’s (2016) approach and referring to this fish as Tomiyamichthys ex gr. russus.